Outdoors and Parks
In the 80s and 90s the ugly Christmas sweater was something only your cooky older realtives wore. You could expect it to make its appearance on Grandma, her still living at home adult son Uncle Hank and of course Great Aunt Ester. Then in the early 2000s, with the mockery and irony of the youth culture, came the ironic wearing of the ugly Christmas sweater. It was so uncool it was cool or funny or something. As we all know, anytime a trend is cool and funny and or something, of course it will be made into a party theme. Henceforth, the Ugly Christmas Sweather parties and themed bar nights began. Fastforward almost 20 years, have ugly Christmas sweaters just become part of the holiday? Are we still ironically wearing them? Is it a trend? or have they somehow become cute???
When you are holiday shopping don't forget to buy your ugly (or cute) Christmas sweater not just to wear on National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day, December 21, but every day leading up.
If you're looking for the cutest of the uglies or the ugliest of the cuties here are a few ideas.
1. Flamingo Christmas
When you want to keep your style lawn ornament Florida Style
Get it here Target
2. Reindeer Christmas Sweater
When you are looking for a little holiday action.
Get it here uglychristmassweater.com
3. Seinfeld Festivus Sweater
When you want to celebrate but your more Festivus than the rest of us.